
Meet Kellie

I make use of years of eclectic experience, but draw heavily from the Core Energetics somatic model of personal growth and transformation. Watch the video to get a brief overview of the history behind the work; click the button below for a deeper dive on its guiding principles.


I came to this work out of necessity

There was no flash of inspiration, no thoughts of higher calling.

I finally hit the limits of pain from my well-worn patterns, and was desperately sick of feeling held hostage by them.

My internal stories of separation, of feeling less than and inherently broken from inception, of resentment — accompanied by looping anxiety and overwhelm, (and oh, the judgments!) all conspired to hold me locked into a pattern of reinforcing these “truths” I so believed in. Living that way was painful, limiting, and exhausting — and I finally hit the point where I couldn’t live from that place anymore.

This work finally helped me achieve what years of therapy couldn’t do for me:

Find freedom from the constraints of my tightly held, painful inner landscape.

The work helped me land, feet firmly planted in what I know now to be true:

I belong.
I am connected.
I am loved.
I’m able to love.
I can access a deep sense of wellness.
Life supports me.
I have the energy and capacity to succeed.
I can thrive. 

But, don’t get me wrong, life isn’t a challenge-free open vista of joyful experience—I still have plenty of instances where I sit in pain of my own making. But what’s different is my inner resilience that enables me

to flex and adapt when indicated,
to reach for nourishment and support when wanted,
to strive for self-responsibility when I’m caught by my material,
and to recover when I stumble. 

All of this and more I wish for you.

Kellie has a gift for dropping in and holding space for individuals and for facilitating groups. She provides a safe, non-judgmental container for healing to occur and strikes a good balance between pushing you toward growth and allowing things to unfold in your own time.
— Jaclyn

My Background


Experience facilitating transformation

I’ve been a massage therapist for 25 years, working with people not only in physical pain, but also mental, emotional, and spiritual pain. Time and time again I’ve seen how being held and witnessed in these states helps provide the needed ground for healing and restoration.

Holding space physically, emotionally and mentally for others’ deep healing work is my lifelong jam. There’s nothing I’d rather do.

Need an ally in healing and transformation? I got you.


Committed to the healing power of relationship

I’m married to my best friend of 28 years (we met at massage school). We own SunSpace Studio, providing both massage and life coaching, and have navigated what it means to live, work, and parent together. For us, the key to the strong relationship we’ve had through the years is the ability to allow what is present to be here. Pissed off at each other? Name it—and, take deep responsibility for one’s own material in the process.

I believe some of the deepest healing comes through relationship: as most of our trauma was experienced in relationship, so must we heal in relationships of many kinds—whether romantic, platonic, or therapeutic.


Plumbing the depths of the scary unknown

I get to parent a unique young lady who came into our life with a fatal genetic disorder that required a life-saving bone marrow transplant and multiple surgeries when she was only a baby. It was rough for several years, but she’s here and thriving over a decade later.

(Kellie with Zoe in 2008)

Kellie chats with Diana Lanham, of the YouTube series My Best Fail, about the importance of being with grief.

Kellie with a very healthy Zoe in 2019

Navigating that trauma with Zoe and the ongoing unfamiliar terrain of parenting a special needs, blind kiddo with various other challenges deepened my ability to hang with what I cannot control, to sit in the discomfort and find my ground even when it seems like the very earth shakes beneath me.

Personal healing work can feel similar. It requires courage and fortitude to wade into the shadowy places where we know pain and vulnerability lie. I know what it is to walk these valleys of shadow, and can be your ally in your journey.

Kellie is not only an amazing facilitator, but is also a truly kind, compassionate and loving human/guide/leader.
— Sarah


Embodied Relationships Mentor Training
Facilitators Brian and Marcia Gleason, LCSWs, 2024

Supervisor Aylee Welch, LMSW, CCEP, 2018 - 2021

Core Energetics Practitioner Training (3 year program)
Seattle School of Body Psychotherapy, 2016-2019

Group Assistant Apprenticeship Program (2 year program)
Supervisor JoAnn Lovascio, CCEP, 2016-2018

Licensed Massage Therapist
Brian Utting School of Massage, 1997

Bachelor’s degree in International Studies
University of Washington, 1994


Certified Core Energetics Practitioner (CCEP):
SunSpace Massage and Core Energetics
2021 - Present

Group Facilitator
SunSpace Massage and Core Energetics

2021 - Present

Associate Practitioner:
SunSpace Massage and Core Energetics

2018 - 2021

Group Assistant
for JoAnn Lovascio, CCEP
2017 - 2020

Co-Founder: Heart Perception Project
2016 - present

Owner/Massage Therapist:
SunSpace Massage Studio

2004 - present

Owner/Massage Therapist: Ballard Rub
1997 - 2004