Be your Self

Get deep support

Seeking more joy, aliveness, and connection?
Tripping up on your more difficult feelings?
Desiring your full self in all parts of your life?
Wanting an ability to act on your own best behalf?

Embody your Self

Process work that recognizes you operate on many levels— body, mind, emotions, will and spirit—and helps you access your energy, well-being, and transformative potential. In person sessions available in Seattle. Via video call to anywhere.

Support your Self

Kellie has focused on holistic healing for over 20 years as a coach, public speaker, and body-based healer, specializing in pain-reduction, trauma, and the development of heart-centered programs that bridge conflict and disagreement. She runs workshops designed to connect people in an increasingly divided world.

Practicing as a Certified Core Energetics Practitioner/Coach, licensed massage therapist, and co-founder of the Heart Perception Project, Kellie dives deep into the multi-layered levels of Being we occupy in our humanity. Her work not only holds space for the impacts of childhood trauma and current day stressors, but also helps spark a new experience of life in which joy, connection, and deep belonging are realized.


Crisis in one’s personal life and crisis in the world are identical; they arise from the negative triumvirate of fear, pride and self-will.

We fear the other and project our own negative feelings on the others that confront us most immediately, be they mates, bosses, political parties, ideologies or nations.

Therefore peace in ourselves, in our relationships, in our society, and the world will come, not from rules, laws, treaties and defensive armaments, but from a willingness to make a vibrant peace in ourselves
— Dr. John C. Pierrakos


Find your own vibrant inner peace


How are you?
Let’s chat about how I can support you.